Interface DaprClient

    • Method Detail

      • waitForSidecar

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Void> waitForSidecar​(int timeoutInMilliseconds)
        Waits for the sidecar, giving up after timeout.
        timeoutInMilliseconds - Timeout in milliseconds to wait for sidecar.
        a Mono plan of type Void.
      • publishEvent

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Void> publishEvent​(String pubsubName,
                                                       String topicName,
                                                       Object data)
        Publish an event.
        pubsubName - the pubsub name we will publish the event to
        topicName - the topicName where the event will be published.
        data - the event's data to be published, use byte[] for skipping serialization.
        a Mono plan of type Void.
      • publishEvent

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Void> publishEvent​(String pubsubName,
                                                       String topicName,
                                                       Object data,
                                                       Map<String,​String> metadata)
        Publish an event.
        pubsubName - the pubsub name we will publish the event to
        topicName - the topicName where the event will be published.
        data - the event's data to be published, use byte[] for skipping serialization.
        metadata - The metadata for the published event.
        a Mono plan of type Void.
      • publishEvent

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Void> publishEvent​(PublishEventRequest request)
        Publish an event.
        request - the request for the publish event.
        a Mono plan of a Dapr's void response.
      • invokeMethod

        <T> reactor.core.publisher.Mono<T> invokeMethod​(String appId,
                                                        String methodName,
                                                        Object data,
                                                        HttpExtension httpExtension,
                                                        Map<String,​String> metadata,
                                                        TypeRef<T> type)
        Invoke a service method, using serialization.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The Type of the return, use byte[] to skip serialization.
        appId - The Application ID where the service is.
        methodName - The actual Method to be call in the application.
        data - The data to be sent to invoke the service, use byte[] to skip serialization.
        httpExtension - Additional fields that are needed if the receiving app is listening on HTTP, HttpExtension.NONE otherwise.
        metadata - Metadata (in GRPC) or headers (in HTTP) to be sent in data.
        type - The Type needed as return for the call.
        A Mono Plan of type T.
      • invokeMethod

        <T> reactor.core.publisher.Mono<T> invokeMethod​(String appId,
                                                        String methodName,
                                                        Object request,
                                                        HttpExtension httpExtension,
                                                        Map<String,​String> metadata,
                                                        Class<T> clazz)
        Invoke a service method, using serialization.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The Type of the return, use byte[] to skip serialization.
        appId - The Application ID where the service is.
        methodName - The actual Method to be call in the application.
        request - The request to be sent to invoke the service, use byte[] to skip serialization.
        httpExtension - Additional fields that are needed if the receiving app is listening on HTTP, HttpExtension.NONE otherwise.
        metadata - Metadata (in GRPC) or headers (in HTTP) to be sent in request.
        clazz - The type needed as return for the call.
        A Mono Plan of type T.
      • invokeMethod

        <T> reactor.core.publisher.Mono<T> invokeMethod​(String appId,
                                                        String methodName,
                                                        Object request,
                                                        HttpExtension httpExtension,
                                                        TypeRef<T> type)
        Invoke a service method, using serialization.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The Type of the return, use byte[] to skip serialization.
        appId - The Application ID where the service is.
        methodName - The actual Method to be call in the application.
        request - The request to be sent to invoke the service, use byte[] to skip serialization.
        httpExtension - Additional fields that are needed if the receiving app is listening on HTTP, HttpExtension.NONE otherwise.
        type - The Type needed as return for the call.
        A Mono Plan of type T.
      • invokeMethod

        <T> reactor.core.publisher.Mono<T> invokeMethod​(String appId,
                                                        String methodName,
                                                        Object request,
                                                        HttpExtension httpExtension,
                                                        Class<T> clazz)
        Invoke a service method, using serialization.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The Type of the return, use byte[] to skip serialization.
        appId - The Application ID where the service is.
        methodName - The actual Method to be call in the application.
        request - The request to be sent to invoke the service, use byte[] to skip serialization.
        httpExtension - Additional fields that are needed if the receiving app is listening on HTTP, HttpExtension.NONE otherwise.
        clazz - The type needed as return for the call.
        A Mono Plan of type T.
      • invokeMethod

        <T> reactor.core.publisher.Mono<T> invokeMethod​(String appId,
                                                        String methodName,
                                                        HttpExtension httpExtension,
                                                        Map<String,​String> metadata,
                                                        TypeRef<T> type)
        Invoke a service method, using serialization.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The Type of the return, use byte[] to skip serialization.
        appId - The Application ID where the service is.
        methodName - The actual Method to be call in the application.
        httpExtension - Additional fields that are needed if the receiving app is listening on HTTP, HttpExtension.NONE otherwise.
        metadata - Metadata (in GRPC) or headers (in HTTP) to be sent in request.
        type - The Type needed as return for the call.
        A Mono Plan of type T.
      • invokeMethod

        <T> reactor.core.publisher.Mono<T> invokeMethod​(String appId,
                                                        String methodName,
                                                        HttpExtension httpExtension,
                                                        Map<String,​String> metadata,
                                                        Class<T> clazz)
        Invoke a service method, using serialization.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The Type of the return, use byte[] to skip serialization.
        appId - The Application ID where the service is.
        methodName - The actual Method to be call in the application.
        httpExtension - Additional fields that are needed if the receiving app is listening on HTTP, HttpExtension.NONE otherwise.
        metadata - Metadata (in GRPC) or headers (in HTTP) to be sent in request.
        clazz - The type needed as return for the call.
        A Mono Plan of type T.
      • invokeMethod

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Void> invokeMethod​(String appId,
                                                       String methodName,
                                                       Object request,
                                                       HttpExtension httpExtension,
                                                       Map<String,​String> metadata)
        Invoke a service method, using serialization.
        appId - The Application ID where the service is.
        methodName - The actual Method to be call in the application.
        request - The request to be sent to invoke the service, use byte[] to skip serialization.
        httpExtension - Additional fields that are needed if the receiving app is listening on HTTP, HttpExtension.NONE otherwise.
        metadata - Metadata (in GRPC) or headers (in HTTP) to be sent in request.
        A Mono Plan of type Void.
      • invokeMethod

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Void> invokeMethod​(String appId,
                                                       String methodName,
                                                       Object request,
                                                       HttpExtension httpExtension)
        Invoke a service method, using serialization.
        appId - The Application ID where the service is.
        methodName - The actual Method to be call in the application.
        request - The request to be sent to invoke the service, use byte[] to skip serialization.
        httpExtension - Additional fields that are needed if the receiving app is listening on HTTP, HttpExtension.NONE otherwise.
        A Mono Plan of type Void.
      • invokeMethod

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Void> invokeMethod​(String appId,
                                                       String methodName,
                                                       HttpExtension httpExtension,
                                                       Map<String,​String> metadata)
        Invoke a service method, using serialization.
        appId - The Application ID where the service is.
        methodName - The actual Method to be call in the application.
        httpExtension - Additional fields that are needed if the receiving app is listening on HTTP, HttpExtension.NONE otherwise.
        metadata - Metadata (in GRPC) or headers (in HTTP) to be sent in request.
        A Mono Plan of type Void.
      • invokeMethod

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<byte[]> invokeMethod​(String appId,
                                                         String methodName,
                                                         byte[] request,
                                                         HttpExtension httpExtension,
                                                         Map<String,​String> metadata)
        Invoke a service method, without using serialization.
        appId - The Application ID where the service is.
        methodName - The actual Method to be call in the application.
        request - The request to be sent to invoke the service, use byte[] to skip serialization.
        httpExtension - Additional fields that are needed if the receiving app is listening on HTTP, HttpExtension.NONE otherwise.
        metadata - Metadata (in GRPC) or headers (in HTTP) to be sent in request.
        A Mono Plan of type byte[].
      • invokeMethod

        <T> reactor.core.publisher.Mono<T> invokeMethod​(InvokeMethodRequest invokeMethodRequest,
                                                        TypeRef<T> type)
        Invoke a service method.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The Type of the return, use byte[] to skip serialization.
        invokeMethodRequest - Request object.
        type - The Type needed as return for the call.
        A Mono Plan of type T.
      • invokeBinding

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Void> invokeBinding​(String bindingName,
                                                        String operation,
                                                        Object data)
        Invokes a Binding operation.
        bindingName - The bindingName of the biding to call.
        operation - The operation to be performed by the binding request processor.
        data - The data to be processed, use byte[] to skip serialization.
        an empty Mono.
      • invokeBinding

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<byte[]> invokeBinding​(String bindingName,
                                                          String operation,
                                                          byte[] data,
                                                          Map<String,​String> metadata)
        Invokes a Binding operation, skipping serialization.
        bindingName - The name of the biding to call.
        operation - The operation to be performed by the binding request processor.
        data - The data to be processed, skipping serialization.
        metadata - The metadata map.
        a Mono plan of type byte[].
      • invokeBinding

        <T> reactor.core.publisher.Mono<T> invokeBinding​(String bindingName,
                                                         String operation,
                                                         Object data,
                                                         TypeRef<T> type)
        Invokes a Binding operation.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the return
        bindingName - The name of the biding to call.
        operation - The operation to be performed by the binding request processor.
        data - The data to be processed, use byte[] to skip serialization.
        type - The type being returned.
        a Mono plan of type T.
      • invokeBinding

        <T> reactor.core.publisher.Mono<T> invokeBinding​(String bindingName,
                                                         String operation,
                                                         Object data,
                                                         Class<T> clazz)
        Invokes a Binding operation.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the return
        bindingName - The name of the biding to call.
        operation - The operation to be performed by the binding request processor.
        data - The data to be processed, use byte[] to skip serialization.
        clazz - The type being returned.
        a Mono plan of type T.
      • invokeBinding

        <T> reactor.core.publisher.Mono<T> invokeBinding​(String bindingName,
                                                         String operation,
                                                         Object data,
                                                         Map<String,​String> metadata,
                                                         TypeRef<T> type)
        Invokes a Binding operation.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the return
        bindingName - The name of the biding to call.
        operation - The operation to be performed by the binding request processor.
        data - The data to be processed, use byte[] to skip serialization.
        metadata - The metadata map.
        type - The type being returned.
        a Mono plan of type T.
      • invokeBinding

        <T> reactor.core.publisher.Mono<T> invokeBinding​(String bindingName,
                                                         String operation,
                                                         Object data,
                                                         Map<String,​String> metadata,
                                                         Class<T> clazz)
        Invokes a Binding operation.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the return
        bindingName - The name of the biding to call.
        operation - The operation to be performed by the binding request processor.
        data - The data to be processed, use byte[] to skip serialization.
        metadata - The metadata map.
        clazz - The type being returned.
        a Mono plan of type T.
      • invokeBinding

        <T> reactor.core.publisher.Mono<T> invokeBinding​(InvokeBindingRequest request,
                                                         TypeRef<T> type)
        Invokes a Binding operation.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the return
        request - The binding invocation request.
        type - The type being returned.
        a Mono plan of type T.
      • getState

        <T> reactor.core.publisher.Mono<State<T>> getState​(String storeName,
                                                           State<T> state,
                                                           TypeRef<T> type)
        Retrieve a State based on their key.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the return.
        storeName - The name of the state store.
        state - State to be re-retrieved.
        type - The type of State needed as return.
        A Mono Plan for the requested State.
      • getState

        <T> reactor.core.publisher.Mono<State<T>> getState​(String storeName,
                                                           State<T> state,
                                                           Class<T> clazz)
        Retrieve a State based on their key.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the return.
        storeName - The name of the state store.
        state - State to be re-retrieved.
        clazz - The type of State needed as return.
        A Mono Plan for the requested State.
      • getState

        <T> reactor.core.publisher.Mono<State<T>> getState​(String storeName,
                                                           String key,
                                                           TypeRef<T> type)
        Retrieve a State based on their key.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the return.
        storeName - The name of the state store.
        key - The key of the State to be retrieved.
        type - The type of State needed as return.
        A Mono Plan for the requested State.
      • getState

        <T> reactor.core.publisher.Mono<State<T>> getState​(String storeName,
                                                           String key,
                                                           Class<T> clazz)
        Retrieve a State based on their key.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the return.
        storeName - The name of the state store.
        key - The key of the State to be retrieved.
        clazz - The type of State needed as return.
        A Mono Plan for the requested State.
      • getState

        <T> reactor.core.publisher.Mono<State<T>> getState​(String storeName,
                                                           String key,
                                                           StateOptions options,
                                                           TypeRef<T> type)
        Retrieve a State based on their key.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The Type of the return.
        storeName - The name of the state store.
        key - The key of the State to be retrieved.
        options - Optional settings for retrieve operation.
        type - The Type of State needed as return.
        A Mono Plan for the requested State.
      • getState

        <T> reactor.core.publisher.Mono<State<T>> getState​(String storeName,
                                                           String key,
                                                           StateOptions options,
                                                           Class<T> clazz)
        Retrieve a State based on their key.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The Type of the return.
        storeName - The name of the state store.
        key - The key of the State to be retrieved.
        options - Optional settings for retrieve operation.
        clazz - The Type of State needed as return.
        A Mono Plan for the requested State.
      • getState

        <T> reactor.core.publisher.Mono<State<T>> getState​(GetStateRequest request,
                                                           TypeRef<T> type)
        Retrieve a State based on their key.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The Type of the return.
        request - The request to get state.
        type - The Type of State needed as return.
        A Mono Plan for the requested State.
      • getBulkState

        <T> reactor.core.publisher.Mono<List<State<T>>> getBulkState​(String storeName,
                                                                     List<String> keys,
                                                                     TypeRef<T> type)
        Retrieve bulk States based on their keys.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the return.
        storeName - The name of the state store.
        keys - The keys of the State to be retrieved.
        type - The type of State needed as return.
        A Mono Plan for the requested State.
      • getBulkState

        <T> reactor.core.publisher.Mono<List<State<T>>> getBulkState​(String storeName,
                                                                     List<String> keys,
                                                                     Class<T> clazz)
        Retrieve bulk States based on their keys.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the return.
        storeName - The name of the state store.
        keys - The keys of the State to be retrieved.
        clazz - The type of State needed as return.
        A Mono Plan for the requested State.
      • getBulkState

        <T> reactor.core.publisher.Mono<List<State<T>>> getBulkState​(GetBulkStateRequest request,
                                                                     TypeRef<T> type)
        Retrieve bulk States based on their keys.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The Type of the return.
        request - The request to get state.
        type - The Type of State needed as return.
        A Mono Plan for the requested State.
      • executeStateTransaction

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Void> executeStateTransaction​(String storeName,
                                                                  List<TransactionalStateOperation<?>> operations)
        Execute a transaction.
        storeName - The name of the state store.
        operations - The operations to be performed.
        a Mono plan of type Void
      • executeStateTransaction

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Void> executeStateTransaction​(ExecuteStateTransactionRequest request)
        Execute a transaction.
        request - Request to execute transaction.
        a Mono plan of type Response Void
      • saveBulkState

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Void> saveBulkState​(String storeName,
                                                        List<State<?>> states)
        Save/Update a list of states.
        storeName - The name of the state store.
        states - The States to be saved.
        a Mono plan of type Void.
      • saveBulkState

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Void> saveBulkState​(SaveStateRequest request)
        Save/Update a list of states.
        request - Request to save states.
        a Mono plan of type Void.
      • saveState

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Void> saveState​(String storeName,
                                                    String key,
                                                    Object value)
        Save/Update a state.
        storeName - The name of the state store.
        key - The key of the state.
        value - The value of the state.
        a Mono plan of type Void.
      • saveState

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Void> saveState​(String storeName,
                                                    String key,
                                                    String etag,
                                                    Object value,
                                                    StateOptions options)
        Save/Update a state.
        storeName - The name of the state store.
        key - The key of the state.
        etag - The etag to be used.
        value - The value of the state.
        options - The Options to use for each state.
        a Mono plan of type Void.
      • deleteState

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Void> deleteState​(String storeName,
                                                      String key)
        Delete a state.
        storeName - The name of the state store.
        key - The key of the State to be removed.
        a Mono plan of type Void.
      • deleteState

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Void> deleteState​(String storeName,
                                                      String key,
                                                      String etag,
                                                      StateOptions options)
        Delete a state.
        storeName - The name of the state store.
        key - The key of the State to be removed.
        etag - Optional etag for conditional delete.
        options - Optional settings for state operation.
        a Mono plan of type Void.
      • deleteState

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Void> deleteState​(DeleteStateRequest request)
        Delete a state.
        request - Request to delete a state.
        a Mono plan of type Void.
      • getSecret

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Map<String,​String>> getSecret​(String storeName,
                                                                        String secretName,
                                                                        Map<String,​String> metadata)
        Fetches a secret from the configured vault.
        storeName - Name of vault component in Dapr.
        secretName - Secret to be fetched.
        metadata - Optional metadata.
        Key-value pairs for the secret.
      • getSecret

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Map<String,​String>> getSecret​(String storeName,
                                                                        String secretName)
        Fetches a secret from the configured vault.
        storeName - Name of vault component in Dapr.
        secretName - Secret to be fetched.
        Key-value pairs for the secret.
      • getSecret

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Map<String,​String>> getSecret​(GetSecretRequest request)
        Fetches a secret from the configured vault.
        request - Request to fetch secret.
        Key-value pairs for the secret.
      • getBulkSecret

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Map<String,​Map<String,​String>>> getBulkSecret​(String storeName)
        Fetches all secrets from the configured vault.
        storeName - Name of vault component in Dapr.
        Key-value pairs for all the secrets in the state store.
      • getBulkSecret

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Map<String,​Map<String,​String>>> getBulkSecret​(String storeName,
                                                                                              Map<String,​String> metadata)
        Fetches all secrets from the configured vault.
        storeName - Name of vault component in Dapr.
        metadata - Optional metadata.
        Key-value pairs for all the secrets in the state store.
      • getBulkSecret

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Map<String,​Map<String,​String>>> getBulkSecret​(GetBulkSecretRequest request)
        Fetches all secrets from the configured vault.
        request - Request to fetch secret.
        Key-value pairs for the secret.
      • getConfiguration

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<ConfigurationItem> getConfiguration​(String storeName,
                                                                        String key)
        Retrieve a configuration based on a provided key.
        storeName - Name of the configuration store
        key - key of the configuration item which is to be retrieved
        Mono of the Configuration Item
      • getConfiguration

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<ConfigurationItem> getConfiguration​(String storeName,
                                                                        String key,
                                                                        Map<String,​String> metadata)
        Retrieve a configuration based on a provided key.
        storeName - Name of the configuration store
        key - key of the configuration item which is to be retrieved
        metadata - optional metadata
        Mono of the Configuration Item
      • getConfiguration

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Map<String,​ConfigurationItem>> getConfiguration​(String storeName,
                                                                                          String... keys)
        Retrieve Map of configurations based on a provided variable number of keys.
        storeName - Name of the configuration store
        keys - keys of the configurations which are to be retrieved
        Mono of Map of ConfigurationItems
      • getConfiguration

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Map<String,​ConfigurationItem>> getConfiguration​(String storeName,
                                                                                          List<String> keys,
                                                                                          Map<String,​String> metadata)
        Retrieve Map of configurations based on a provided variable number of keys.
        storeName - Name of the configuration store
        keys - keys of the configurations which are to be retrieved
        metadata - optional metadata
        Mono of Map of ConfigurationItems
      • getConfiguration

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Map<String,​ConfigurationItem>> getConfiguration​(GetConfigurationRequest request)
        Retrieve Map of configurations based on a provided configuration request object.
        request - request for retrieving Configurations for a list keys
        Mono of Map of ConfigurationItems
      • shutdown

        reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Void> shutdown()
        Gracefully shutdown the dapr runtime.
        a Mono plan of type Void.