Interface DaprPreviewClient

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public interface DaprPreviewClient extends AutoCloseable
Generic client interface for preview or alpha APIs in Dapr, regardless of GRPC or HTTP.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • queryState

      <T> reactor.core.publisher.Mono<QueryStateResponse<T>> queryState(String storeName, String query, Map<String,String> metadata, Class<T> clazz)
      Query for states using a query string.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The Type of the return, use byte[] to skip serialization.
      storeName - Name of the state store to query.
      query - String value of the query.
      metadata - Optional metadata passed to the state store.
      clazz - The type needed as return for the call.
      A Mono of QueryStateResponse of type T.
    • queryState

      <T> reactor.core.publisher.Mono<QueryStateResponse<T>> queryState(String storeName, String query, Map<String,String> metadata, TypeRef<T> type)
      Query for states using a query string.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The Type of the return, use byte[] to skip serialization.
      storeName - Name of the state store to query.
      query - String value of the query.
      metadata - Optional metadata passed to the state store.
      type - The type needed as return for the call.
      A Mono of QueryStateResponse of type T.
    • queryState

      <T> reactor.core.publisher.Mono<QueryStateResponse<T>> queryState(String storeName, String query, Class<T> clazz)
      Query for states using a query string.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The Type of the return, use byte[] to skip serialization.
      storeName - Name of the state store to query.
      query - String value of the query.
      clazz - The type needed as return for the call.
      A Mono of QueryStateResponse of type T.
    • queryState

      <T> reactor.core.publisher.Mono<QueryStateResponse<T>> queryState(String storeName, String query, TypeRef<T> type)
      Query for states using a query string.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The Type of the return, use byte[] to skip serialization.
      storeName - Name of the state store to query.
      query - String value of the query.
      type - The type needed as return for the call.
      A Mono of QueryStateResponse of type T.
    • queryState

      <T> reactor.core.publisher.Mono<QueryStateResponse<T>> queryState(String storeName, Query query, Map<String,String> metadata, Class<T> clazz)
      Query for states using a query domain object.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The Type of the return, use byte[] to skip serialization.
      storeName - Name of the state store to query.
      query - Query value domain object.
      metadata - Optional metadata passed to the state store.
      clazz - The type needed as return for the call.
      A Mono of QueryStateResponse of type T.
    • queryState

      <T> reactor.core.publisher.Mono<QueryStateResponse<T>> queryState(String storeName, Query query, Map<String,String> metadata, TypeRef<T> type)
      Query for states using a query domain object.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The Type of the return, use byte[] to skip serialization.
      storeName - Name of the state store to query.
      query - Query value domain object.
      metadata - Optional metadata passed to the state store.
      type - The type needed as return for the call.
      A Mono of QueryStateResponse of type T.
    • queryState

      <T> reactor.core.publisher.Mono<QueryStateResponse<T>> queryState(String storeName, Query query, Class<T> clazz)
      Query for states using a query domain object.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The Type of the return, use byte[] to skip serialization.
      storeName - Name of the state store to query.
      query - Query value domain object.
      clazz - The type needed as return for the call.
      A Mono of QueryStateResponse of type T.
    • queryState

      <T> reactor.core.publisher.Mono<QueryStateResponse<T>> queryState(String storeName, Query query, TypeRef<T> type)
      Query for states using a query domain object.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The Type of the return, use byte[] to skip serialization.
      storeName - Name of the state store to query.
      query - Query value domain object.
      type - The type needed as return for the call.
      A Mono of QueryStateResponse of type T.
    • queryState

      <T> reactor.core.publisher.Mono<QueryStateResponse<T>> queryState(QueryStateRequest request, Class<T> clazz)
      Query for states using a query request.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The Type of the return, use byte[] to skip serialization.
      request - Query request object.
      clazz - The type needed as return for the call.
      A Mono of QueryStateResponse of type T.
    • queryState

      <T> reactor.core.publisher.Mono<QueryStateResponse<T>> queryState(QueryStateRequest request, TypeRef<T> type)
      Query for states using a query request.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The Type of the return, use byte[] to skip serialization.
      request - Query request object.
      type - The type needed as return for the call.
      A Mono of QueryStateResponse of type T.
    • publishEvents

      <T> reactor.core.publisher.Mono<BulkPublishResponse<T>> publishEvents(BulkPublishRequest<T> request)
      Publish multiple events to Dapr in a single request.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of events to publish in the call.
      request - BulkPublishRequest object.
      A Mono of BulkPublishResponse object.
    • publishEvents

      <T> reactor.core.publisher.Mono<BulkPublishResponse<T>> publishEvents(String pubsubName, String topicName, String contentType, List<T> events)
      Publish multiple events to Dapr in a single request.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of the events to publish in the call.
      pubsubName - the pubsub name we will publish the event to.
      topicName - the topicName where the event will be published.
      events - the List of events to be published.
      contentType - the content type of the event. Use Mime based types.
      the BulkPublishResponse containing publish status of each event. The "entryID" field in BulkPublishEntry in BulkPublishResponseFailedEntry will be generated based on the order of events in the List.
    • publishEvents

      <T> reactor.core.publisher.Mono<BulkPublishResponse<T>> publishEvents(String pubsubName, String topicName, String contentType, T... events)
      Publish multiple events to Dapr in a single request.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of the events to publish in the call.
      pubsubName - the pubsub name we will publish the event to.
      topicName - the topicName where the event will be published.
      events - the varargs of events to be published.
      contentType - the content type of the event. Use Mime based types.
      the BulkPublishResponse containing publish status of each event. The "entryID" field in BulkPublishEntry in BulkPublishResponseFailedEntry will be generated based on the order of events in the List.
    • publishEvents

      <T> reactor.core.publisher.Mono<BulkPublishResponse<T>> publishEvents(String pubsubName, String topicName, String contentType, Map<String,String> requestMetadata, List<T> events)
      Publish multiple events to Dapr in a single request.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of the events to publish in the call.
      pubsubName - the pubsub name we will publish the event to.
      topicName - the topicName where the event will be published.
      events - the List of events to be published.
      contentType - the content type of the event. Use Mime based types.
      requestMetadata - the metadata to be set at the request level for the BulkPublishRequest.
      the BulkPublishResponse containing publish status of each event. The "entryID" field in BulkPublishEntry in BulkPublishResponseFailedEntry will be generated based on the order of events in the List.
    • publishEvents

      <T> reactor.core.publisher.Mono<BulkPublishResponse<T>> publishEvents(String pubsubName, String topicName, String contentType, Map<String,String> requestMetadata, T... events)
      Publish multiple events to Dapr in a single request.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of the events to publish in the call.
      pubsubName - the pubsub name we will publish the event to.
      topicName - the topicName where the event will be published.
      events - the varargs of events to be published.
      contentType - the content type of the event. Use Mime based types.
      requestMetadata - the metadata to be set at the request level for the BulkPublishRequest.
      the BulkPublishResponse containing publish status of each event. The "entryID" field in BulkPublishEntry in BulkPublishResponseFailedEntry will be generated based on the order of events in the List.
    • tryLock

      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Boolean> tryLock(String storeName, String resourceId, String lockOwner, Integer expiryInSeconds)
      Tries to get a lock with an expiry.
      storeName - Name of the store
      resourceId - Lock key
      lockOwner - The identifier of lock owner
      expiryInSeconds - The time before expiry
      Whether the lock is successful
    • tryLock

      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<Boolean> tryLock(LockRequest request)
      Tries to get a lock with an expiry.
      request - The request to lock
      Whether the lock is successful
    • unlock

      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<UnlockResponseStatus> unlock(String storeName, String resourceId, String lockOwner)
      Unlocks a lock.
      storeName - Name of the store
      resourceId - Lock key
      lockOwner - The identifier of lock owner
      Unlock result
    • unlock

      reactor.core.publisher.Mono<UnlockResponseStatus> unlock(UnlockRequest request)
      Unlocks a lock.
      request - The request to unlock
      Unlock result
    • subscribeToEvents

      <T> Subscription subscribeToEvents(String pubsubName, String topic, SubscriptionListener<T> listener, TypeRef<T> type)
      Subscribe to pubsub via streaming.
      Type Parameters:
      T - Type of object deserialization.
      pubsubName - Name of the pubsub component.
      topic - Name of the topic to subscribe to.
      listener - Callback methods to process events.
      type - Type for object deserialization.
      An active subscription.