All Classes and Interfaces

Represents the base class for actors.
Holds a client for Dapr sidecar communication.
Creates an actor of a given type.
The ActorId represents the identity of an actor within an actor service.
ActorMetadata describes a registered Dapr Actor.
Contains information about the method that is invoked by actor runtime.
Serializes and deserializes internal objects.
Proxy to communicate to a given Actor instance in Dapr.
Builder to generate an ActorProxy instance.
Contains methods to register actor types.
Represents the configuration for the Actor Runtime.
Provides the context for the Actor's runtime.
Represents a state change for an actor.
Represents an actor's state change.
Manages state changes of a given Actor instance.
Class to emit trace log messages.
Annotation to define Actor class.
Represents the configuration for the Actor Type.
AppCallbackAlpha V1 is an optional extension to AppCallback V1 to opt for Alpha RPCs.
A stub to allow clients to do synchronous rpc calls to service AppCallbackAlpha.
A stub to allow clients to do ListenableFuture-style rpc calls to service AppCallbackAlpha.
Base class for the server implementation of the service AppCallbackAlpha.
A stub to allow clients to do asynchronous rpc calls to service AppCallbackAlpha.
AppCallbackAlpha V1 is an optional extension to AppCallback V1 to opt for Alpha RPCs.
AppCallback V1 allows user application to interact with Dapr runtime.
A stub to allow clients to do synchronous rpc calls to service AppCallback.
A stub to allow clients to do ListenableFuture-style rpc calls to service AppCallback.
Base class for the server implementation of the service AppCallback.
A stub to allow clients to do asynchronous rpc calls to service AppCallback.
AppCallback V1 allows user application to interact with Dapr runtime.
AppCallbackHealthCheck V1 is an optional extension to AppCallback V1 to implement the HealthCheck method.
A stub to allow clients to do synchronous rpc calls to service AppCallbackHealthCheck.
A stub to allow clients to do ListenableFuture-style rpc calls to service AppCallbackHealthCheck.
Base class for the server implementation of the service AppCallbackHealthCheck.
A stub to allow clients to do asynchronous rpc calls to service AppCallbackHealthCheck.
AppCallbackHealthCheck V1 is an optional extension to AppCallback V1 to implement the HealthCheck method.
AppConnectionPropertiesHealthMetadata describes the application health properties.
AppConnectionPropertiesMetadata describes the application connection properties.
Boolean configuration property.
Class representing an entry in the BulkPublishRequest or BulkPublishResponse.
A request to bulk publish multiples events in a single call to Dapr.
Class representing the response returned on bulk publishing events.
Class representing the entry that failed to be published using BulkPublishRequest.
Response from the application containing status for each entry from the bulk publish message.
Status of the message handled in bulk subscribe handler.
Represents a bulk of messages received from the message bus.
Represents a single event from a BulkSubscribeMessage.
A cloud event in Dapr.
ConfigurationItem represents all the configuration with its name(key).
ConfigurationItem represents all the configuration with its name(key).
Etag represents a state item version
Etag represents a state item version
HTTPExtension includes HTTP verb and querystring when Dapr runtime delivers HTTP content.
HTTPExtension includes HTTP verb and querystring when Dapr runtime delivers HTTP content.
Type of HTTP 1.1 Methods RFC 7231: RFC 5789:
InvokeRequest is the message to invoke a method with the data.
InvokeRequest is the message to invoke a method with the data.
InvokeResponse is the response message including data and its content type from app callback.
InvokeResponse is the response message including data and its content type from app callback.
StateItem represents state key, value, and additional options to save state.
StateItem represents state key, value, and additional options to save state.
StateOptions configures concurrency and consistency for state operations
StateOptions configures concurrency and consistency for state operations
Enum describing the supported concurrency for state.
Enum describing the supported consistency for state.
Chunk of data sent in a streaming request or response.
Chunk of data sent in a streaming request or response.
Represents a Dapr component.
ComponentMetadata describes a Dapr Component.
Represents a Dapr component.
A configuration item from Dapr's configuration store.
Class to be used as part of your service's client stub interceptor to include the Dapr API token.
BindingEventRequest represents input bindings event.
BindingEventRequest represents input bindings event.
BindingEventResponse includes operations to save state or send data to output bindings optionally.
BindingEventConcurrency is the kind of concurrency
BindingEventResponse includes operations to save state or send data to output bindings optionally.
BulkSubscribeConfig is the message to pass settings for bulk subscribe
BulkSubscribeConfig is the message to pass settings for bulk subscribe
HealthCheckResponse is the message with the response to the health check.
HealthCheckResponse is the message with the response to the health check.
Protobuf type dapr.proto.runtime.v1.JobEventRequest
Protobuf type dapr.proto.runtime.v1.JobEventRequest
JobEventResponse is the response from the app when a job is triggered.
JobEventResponse is the response from the app when a job is triggered.
ListInputBindingsResponse is the message including the list of input bindings.
ListInputBindingsResponse is the message including the list of input bindings.
ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse is the message including the list of the subscribing topics.
ListTopicSubscriptionsResponse is the message including the list of the subscribing topics.
TopicEventBulkRequest represents request for bulk message
TopicEventBulkRequest represents request for bulk message
TopicEventBulkRequestEntry represents a single message inside a bulk request
TopicEventBulkRequestEntry represents a single message inside a bulk request
AppBulkResponse is response from app on published message
AppBulkResponse is response from app on published message
TopicEventBulkResponseEntry Represents single response, as part of TopicEventBulkResponse, to be sent by subscibed App for the corresponding single message during bulk subscribe
TopicEventBulkResponseEntry Represents single response, as part of TopicEventBulkResponse, to be sent by subscibed App for the corresponding single message during bulk subscribe
TopicEventCERequest message is compatible with CloudEvent spec v1.0
TopicEventCERequest message is compatible with CloudEvent spec v1.0
TopicEventRequest message is compatible with CloudEvent spec v1.0
TopicEventRequest message is compatible with CloudEvent spec v1.0
TopicEventResponse is response from app on published message
TopicEventResponse is response from app on published message
TopicEventResponseStatus allows apps to have finer control over handling of the message.
Protobuf type dapr.proto.runtime.v1.TopicRoutes
Protobuf type dapr.proto.runtime.v1.TopicRoutes
Protobuf type dapr.proto.runtime.v1.TopicRule
Protobuf type dapr.proto.runtime.v1.TopicRule
TopicSubscription represents topic and metadata.
TopicSubscription represents topic and metadata.
Class to be used as part of your service's client stub interceptor to include Dapr App Id metadata.
Generic Client Adapter to be used regardless of the GRPC or the HTTP Client implementation required.
A builder for the DaprClient, Currently only gRPC and HTTP Client will be supported.
Class to be used as part of your service's client stub interceptor.
Implementation of the Dapr client combining gRPC and HTTP (when applicable).
Represents an error message from Dapr.
A Dapr's specific exception.
Dapr service provides APIs to user application to access Dapr building blocks.
Dapr service provides APIs to user application to access Dapr building blocks.
A stub to allow clients to do synchronous rpc calls to service Dapr.
A stub to allow clients to do ListenableFuture-style rpc calls to service Dapr.
Base class for the server implementation of the service Dapr.
A stub to allow clients to do asynchronous rpc calls to service Dapr.
HTTP Methods supported.
A builder for the DaprHttp.
Internal exception for propagating HTTP status code.
ObservationConvention for Dapr Messaging.
An Observation for DaprMessagingTemplate.
Low cardinality tags.
Builder that can be used to configure and send a message.
SenderContext for Dapr Messaging.
Acts as a carrier for a Dapr message and records the propagated properties for later access by the Dapr.
Create a new DaprMessagingTemplate.
DaprMetadata describes the Dapr Metadata.
Consumes gRPC metadata.
Serializes and deserializes application's objects.
Test container for Dapr placement service.
This class is copied from because it has private accessors to internal classes, making it impossible to extend or use the original This requires to be created from scratch to not use predicates, but this is only worth it if we can prove these abstractions are worth the time.
Generic client interface for preview or alpha APIs in Dapr, regardless of GRPC or HTTP.
Protobuf type dapr.proto.runtime.v1.ActiveActorsCount
Protobuf type dapr.proto.runtime.v1.ActiveActorsCount
Protobuf type dapr.proto.runtime.v1.ActorRuntime
Protobuf enum dapr.proto.runtime.v1.ActorRuntime.ActorRuntimeStatus
Protobuf type dapr.proto.runtime.v1.ActorRuntime
Protobuf type dapr.proto.runtime.v1.AppConnectionHealthProperties
Protobuf type dapr.proto.runtime.v1.AppConnectionHealthProperties
Protobuf type dapr.proto.runtime.v1.AppConnectionProperties
Protobuf type dapr.proto.runtime.v1.AppConnectionProperties
BulkPublishRequest is the message to bulk publish events to pubsub topic
BulkPublishRequest is the message to bulk publish events to pubsub topic
BulkPublishRequestEntry is the message containing the event to be bulk published
BulkPublishRequestEntry is the message containing the event to be bulk published
BulkPublishResponse is the message returned from a BulkPublishEvent call
BulkPublishResponse is the message returned from a BulkPublishEvent call
BulkPublishResponseFailedEntry is the message containing the entryID and error of a failed event in BulkPublishEvent call
BulkPublishResponseFailedEntry is the message containing the entryID and error of a failed event in BulkPublishEvent call
BulkStateItem is the response item for a bulk get operation.
BulkStateItem is the response item for a bulk get operation.
DecryptRequest is the request for DecryptAlpha1.
DecryptRequest is the request for DecryptAlpha1.
DecryptRequestOptions contains options for the first message in the DecryptAlpha1 request.
DecryptRequestOptions contains options for the first message in the DecryptAlpha1 request.
DecryptResponse is the response for DecryptAlpha1.
DecryptResponse is the response for DecryptAlpha1.
DeleteBulkStateRequest is the message to delete a list of key-value states from specific state store.
DeleteBulkStateRequest is the message to delete a list of key-value states from specific state store.
DeleteJobRequest is the message to delete the job by name.
DeleteJobRequest is the message to delete the job by name.
DeleteJobResponse is the message response to delete the job by name.
DeleteJobResponse is the message response to delete the job by name.
DeleteStateRequest is the message to delete key-value states in the specific state store.
DeleteStateRequest is the message to delete key-value states in the specific state store.
EncryptRequest is the request for EncryptAlpha1.
EncryptRequest is the request for EncryptAlpha1.
EncryptRequestOptions contains options for the first message in the EncryptAlpha1 request.
EncryptRequestOptions contains options for the first message in the EncryptAlpha1 request.
EncryptResponse is the response for EncryptAlpha1.
EncryptResponse is the response for EncryptAlpha1.
ExecuteActorStateTransactionRequest is the message to execute multiple operations on a specified actor.
ExecuteActorStateTransactionRequest is the message to execute multiple operations on a specified actor.
ExecuteStateTransactionRequest is the message to execute multiple operations on a specified store.
ExecuteStateTransactionRequest is the message to execute multiple operations on a specified store.
GetActorStateRequest is the message to get key-value states from specific actor.
GetActorStateRequest is the message to get key-value states from specific actor.
GetActorStateResponse is the response conveying the actor's state value.
GetActorStateResponse is the response conveying the actor's state value.
GetBulkSecretRequest is the message to get the secrets from secret store.
GetBulkSecretRequest is the message to get the secrets from secret store.
GetBulkSecretResponse is the response message to convey the requested secrets.
GetBulkSecretResponse is the response message to convey the requested secrets.
GetBulkStateRequest is the message to get a list of key-value states from specific state store.
GetBulkStateRequest is the message to get a list of key-value states from specific state store.
GetBulkStateResponse is the response conveying the list of state values.
GetBulkStateResponse is the response conveying the list of state values.
GetConfigurationRequest is the message to get a list of key-value configuration from specified configuration store.
GetConfigurationRequest is the message to get a list of key-value configuration from specified configuration store.
GetConfigurationResponse is the response conveying the list of configuration values.
GetConfigurationResponse is the response conveying the list of configuration values.
GetJobRequest is the message to retrieve a job.
GetJobRequest is the message to retrieve a job.
GetJobResponse is the message's response for a job retrieved.
GetJobResponse is the message's response for a job retrieved.
GetMetadataRequest is the message for the GetMetadata request.
GetMetadataRequest is the message for the GetMetadata request.
GetMetadataResponse is a message that is returned on GetMetadata rpc call.
GetMetadataResponse is a message that is returned on GetMetadata rpc call.
GetSecretRequest is the message to get secret from secret store.
GetSecretRequest is the message to get secret from secret store.
GetSecretResponse is the response message to convey the requested secret.
GetSecretResponse is the response message to convey the requested secret.
GetStateRequest is the message to get key-value states from specific state store.
GetStateRequest is the message to get key-value states from specific state store.
GetStateResponse is the response conveying the state value and etag.
GetStateResponse is the response conveying the state value and etag.
GetWorkflowRequest is the request for GetWorkflowBeta1.
GetWorkflowRequest is the request for GetWorkflowBeta1.
GetWorkflowResponse is the response for GetWorkflowBeta1.
GetWorkflowResponse is the response for GetWorkflowBeta1.
InvokeActorRequest is the message to call an actor.
InvokeActorRequest is the message to call an actor.
InvokeActorResponse is the method that returns an actor invocation response.
InvokeActorResponse is the method that returns an actor invocation response.
InvokeBindingRequest is the message to send data to output bindings
InvokeBindingRequest is the message to send data to output bindings
InvokeBindingResponse is the message returned from an output binding invocation
InvokeBindingResponse is the message returned from an output binding invocation
InvokeServiceRequest represents the request message for Service invocation.
InvokeServiceRequest represents the request message for Service invocation.
Job is the definition of a job.
Job is the definition of a job.
Protobuf type dapr.proto.runtime.v1.MetadataHTTPEndpoint
Protobuf type dapr.proto.runtime.v1.MetadataHTTPEndpoint
PauseWorkflowRequest is the request for PauseWorkflowBeta1.
PauseWorkflowRequest is the request for PauseWorkflowBeta1.
PublishEventRequest is the message to publish event data to pubsub topic
PublishEventRequest is the message to publish event data to pubsub topic
Protobuf type dapr.proto.runtime.v1.PubsubSubscription
Protobuf type dapr.proto.runtime.v1.PubsubSubscription
Protobuf type dapr.proto.runtime.v1.PubsubSubscriptionRule
Protobuf type dapr.proto.runtime.v1.PubsubSubscriptionRule
Protobuf type dapr.proto.runtime.v1.PubsubSubscriptionRules
Protobuf type dapr.proto.runtime.v1.PubsubSubscriptionRules
PubsubSubscriptionType indicates the type of subscription
PurgeWorkflowRequest is the request for PurgeWorkflowBeta1.
PurgeWorkflowRequest is the request for PurgeWorkflowBeta1.
Protobuf type dapr.proto.runtime.v1.QueryStateItem
Protobuf type dapr.proto.runtime.v1.QueryStateItem
QueryStateRequest is the message to query state store.
QueryStateRequest is the message to query state store.
QueryStateResponse is the response conveying the query results.
QueryStateResponse is the response conveying the query results.
RaiseEventWorkflowRequest is the request for RaiseEventWorkflowBeta1.
RaiseEventWorkflowRequest is the request for RaiseEventWorkflowBeta1.
RegisterActorReminderRequest is the message to register a reminder for an actor of a given type and id.
RegisterActorReminderRequest is the message to register a reminder for an actor of a given type and id.
RegisterActorTimerRequest is the message to register a timer for an actor of a given type and id.
RegisterActorTimerRequest is the message to register a timer for an actor of a given type and id.
Protobuf type dapr.proto.runtime.v1.RegisteredComponents
Protobuf type dapr.proto.runtime.v1.RegisteredComponents
ResumeWorkflowRequest is the request for ResumeWorkflowBeta1.
ResumeWorkflowRequest is the request for ResumeWorkflowBeta1.
SaveStateRequest is the message to save multiple states into state store.
SaveStateRequest is the message to save multiple states into state store.
ScheduleJobRequest is the message to create/schedule the job.
ScheduleJobRequest is the message to create/schedule the job.
ScheduleJobResponse is the message response to create/schedule the job.
ScheduleJobResponse is the message response to create/schedule the job.
SecretResponse is a map of decrypted string/string values
SecretResponse is a map of decrypted string/string values
Protobuf type dapr.proto.runtime.v1.SetMetadataRequest
Protobuf type dapr.proto.runtime.v1.SetMetadataRequest
ShutdownRequest is the request for Shutdown.
ShutdownRequest is the request for Shutdown.
StartWorkflowRequest is the request for StartWorkflowBeta1.
StartWorkflowRequest is the request for StartWorkflowBeta1.
StartWorkflowResponse is the response for StartWorkflowBeta1.
StartWorkflowResponse is the response for StartWorkflowBeta1.
SubscribeConfigurationRequest is the message to get a list of key-value configuration from specified configuration store.
SubscribeConfigurationRequest is the message to get a list of key-value configuration from specified configuration store.
Protobuf type dapr.proto.runtime.v1.SubscribeConfigurationResponse
Protobuf type dapr.proto.runtime.v1.SubscribeConfigurationResponse
SubscribeTopicEventsRequestAlpha1 is a message containing the details for subscribing to a topic via streaming.
SubscribeTopicEventsRequestAlpha1 is a message containing the details for subscribing to a topic via streaming.
SubscribeTopicEventsRequestInitialAlpha1 is the initial message containing the details for subscribing to a topic via streaming.
SubscribeTopicEventsRequestInitialAlpha1 is the initial message containing the details for subscribing to a topic via streaming.
SubscribeTopicEventsRequestProcessedAlpha1 is the message containing the subscription to a topic.
SubscribeTopicEventsRequestProcessedAlpha1 is the message containing the subscription to a topic.
SubscribeTopicEventsResponseAlpha1 is a message returned from daprd when subscribing to a topic via streaming.
SubscribeTopicEventsResponseAlpha1 is a message returned from daprd when subscribing to a topic via streaming.
SubscribeTopicEventsResponseInitialAlpha1 is the initial response from daprd when subscribing to a topic.
SubscribeTopicEventsResponseInitialAlpha1 is the initial response from daprd when subscribing to a topic.
SubtleDecryptRequest is the request for SubtleDecryptAlpha1.
SubtleDecryptRequest is the request for SubtleDecryptAlpha1.
SubtleDecryptResponse is the response for SubtleDecryptAlpha1.
SubtleDecryptResponse is the response for SubtleDecryptAlpha1.
SubtleEncryptRequest is the request for SubtleEncryptAlpha1.
SubtleEncryptRequest is the request for SubtleEncryptAlpha1.
SubtleEncryptResponse is the response for SubtleEncryptAlpha1.
SubtleEncryptResponse is the response for SubtleEncryptAlpha1.
SubtleGetKeyRequest is the request object for SubtleGetKeyAlpha1.
SubtleGetKeyRequest is the request object for SubtleGetKeyAlpha1.
Protobuf enum dapr.proto.runtime.v1.SubtleGetKeyRequest.KeyFormat
SubtleGetKeyResponse is the response for SubtleGetKeyAlpha1.
SubtleGetKeyResponse is the response for SubtleGetKeyAlpha1.
SubtleSignRequest is the request for SubtleSignAlpha1.
SubtleSignRequest is the request for SubtleSignAlpha1.
SubtleSignResponse is the response for SubtleSignAlpha1.
SubtleSignResponse is the response for SubtleSignAlpha1.
SubtleUnwrapKeyRequest is the request for SubtleUnwrapKeyAlpha1.
SubtleUnwrapKeyRequest is the request for SubtleUnwrapKeyAlpha1.
SubtleUnwrapKeyResponse is the response for SubtleUnwrapKeyAlpha1.
SubtleUnwrapKeyResponse is the response for SubtleUnwrapKeyAlpha1.
SubtleVerifyRequest is the request for SubtleVerifyAlpha1.
SubtleVerifyRequest is the request for SubtleVerifyAlpha1.
SubtleVerifyResponse is the response for SubtleVerifyAlpha1.
SubtleVerifyResponse is the response for SubtleVerifyAlpha1.
SubtleWrapKeyRequest is the request for SubtleWrapKeyAlpha1.
SubtleWrapKeyRequest is the request for SubtleWrapKeyAlpha1.
SubtleWrapKeyResponse is the response for SubtleWrapKeyAlpha1.
SubtleWrapKeyResponse is the response for SubtleWrapKeyAlpha1.
TerminateWorkflowRequest is the request for TerminateWorkflowBeta1.
TerminateWorkflowRequest is the request for TerminateWorkflowBeta1.
TransactionalActorStateOperation is the message to execute a specified operation with a key-value pair.
TransactionalActorStateOperation is the message to execute a specified operation with a key-value pair.
TransactionalStateOperation is the message to execute a specified operation with a key-value pair.
TransactionalStateOperation is the message to execute a specified operation with a key-value pair.
Protobuf type dapr.proto.runtime.v1.TryLockRequest
Protobuf type dapr.proto.runtime.v1.TryLockRequest
Protobuf type dapr.proto.runtime.v1.TryLockResponse
Protobuf type dapr.proto.runtime.v1.TryLockResponse
Protobuf type dapr.proto.runtime.v1.UnlockRequest
Protobuf type dapr.proto.runtime.v1.UnlockRequest
Protobuf type dapr.proto.runtime.v1.UnlockResponse
Protobuf type dapr.proto.runtime.v1.UnlockResponse
Protobuf enum dapr.proto.runtime.v1.UnlockResponse.Status
UnregisterActorReminderRequest is the message to unregister an actor reminder.
UnregisterActorReminderRequest is the message to unregister an actor reminder.
UnregisterActorTimerRequest is the message to unregister an actor timer
UnregisterActorTimerRequest is the message to unregister an actor timer
UnSubscribeConfigurationRequest is the message to stop watching the key-value configuration.
UnSubscribeConfigurationRequest is the message to stop watching the key-value configuration.
Protobuf type dapr.proto.runtime.v1.UnsubscribeConfigurationResponse
Protobuf type dapr.proto.runtime.v1.UnsubscribeConfigurationResponse
Dapr specific RepositoryBeanDefinitionRegistrarSupport implementation.
RepositoryConfigurationExtension for Dapr-based repositories.
Class to be used as part of your service's client stub interceptor to include timeout.
Injects tracing headers to gRPC metadata.
Defines client operations for managing Dapr Workflow instances.
A utility class for converting event to bytes based on content type or given serializer.
Default serializer/deserializer for request/response objects and for state objects too.
A request to delete a state by key.
Annotation to activate Dapr repositories.
A request for executing state transaction operations.
Configuration property for any type.
A request to get a secret by key.
A request to get bulk state by keys.
Request to get one or more configuration items from Dapr's configuration store.
A request to get a secret by key.
A request to get a state by key.
Helper to extract tracing information for gRPC calls.
Common headers for GRPC and HTTP communication.
HttpEndpointMetadata describes a registered Dapr HTTP endpoint.
HTTP Extension class.
Integer configuration property.
A request to invoke binding.
A request to invoke a service.
A request to lock.
Enumerates commonly used metadata attributes.
Integer configuration property.
A KeyValueAdapter implementation for MySQL.
Utility methods for network, internal to Dapr SDK.
Options for starting a new instance of a workflow.
Serializes and deserializes an internal object.
Configuration settings for Otel tracing.
A KeyValueAdapter implementation for PostgreSQL.
Global properties for Dapr's SDK, using Supplier so they are dynamically resolved.
A configuration property in the Dapr's SDK.
A request to publish an event.
Interface that actors must implement to consume reminders registered using RegisterReminderAsync.
Resiliency policy for SDK communication to Dapr API.
Retry policy for SDK communication to Dapr API.
RuleMetadata describes the Subscription Rule's Metadata.
A request to save states to state store.
This class reprent what a State is.
A class representing the state options for Dapr state API.
Options for Concurrency.
Options for Consistency.
String configuration property.
Request to subscribe to one or more configuration items.
Domain object for response from subscribeConfiguration API.
Streaming subscription of events for Dapr's pubsub.
Callback interface to receive events from a streaming subscription of events.
Callback status response for acknowledging a message.
SubscriptionMetadata describes the Subscription Metadata.
Timeout policy for SDK communication to Dapr API.
Represents a Dapr tracing configuration parameters .
Class to represent transactional state operations.
Options for type of operation.
A class to represent request for transactional state.
Used to reference a type.
A request to unlock.
Request to unsubscribe to one or more configuration items using subscription id.
Domain object for unsubscribe response.
Common interface for workflow implementations.
Common interface for task activity implementations.
Wrapper for Durable Task Framework task activity factory.
Wrapper for Durable Task Framework task activity factory.
Context object used by workflow implementations to perform actions such as scheduling activities, durable timers, waiting for external events, and for getting basic information about the current workflow instance.
Represents a workflow failure details.
Represents a snapshot of a workflow instance's current state, including metadata.
Contains methods to register workflows and activities.
Enum describing the runtime status of a workflow.
Factory for creating a YAML mapper.
Configuration settings for Zipkin tracing.